Use Case
We have been using Splunk as our enterprise monitoring tool for some time and have it running as a multisite venture that gives us redundancy as well as scale ability. With the advent and recent adoption of public cloud, I was keen to try out if there was an ask to move this on-premise infrastructure to cloud, how would it work. This blog post is an effort to document my output for a wider audience.
I used my personal Google account to setup the solution in Google Cloud. Google offers $300 of cloud or 1 year whichever comes first when you register for Google Cloud as an individual.
I used my personal Google account to setup the solution in Google Cloud. Google offers $300 of cloud or 1 year whichever comes first when you register for Google Cloud as an individual.
To replicate our architecture, I have used us-central as site1 which will house the Cluster Master, Search Head and Indexers for site1 while us-east is used as site2 and will be used as secondary site. I have used Ubuntu 19.10 as the base OS which has the Splunk Enterprise installed in the /opt directory. To maintain consistency, I created a custom image and would be used as a base image for all the Splunk Servers.
To run this PoC, I created a separate Splunk VPC that would house the whole architecture. The command to create the VPC is -
To run this PoC, I created a separate Splunk VPC that would house the whole architecture. The command to create the VPC is -
gcloud compute networks create splunk \ --subnet-mode=auto \ --bgp-routing-mode=global
It will appear in VPC network as follows -
VPC Networks for Splunk |
To manage the infrastructure from Splunk's management console(port-8000) as well as to allow Universal Forwarders(port-9997) to send the data the firewall needs to be opened. The VMs will be managed over the ssh(port-22). Just to be safe I've open the replication port 8080 and Cluster Master port-8089-as well.
The command to open these ports is-
gcloud compute firewall-rules create splunk-allow \
--project splunk-261402 --network splunk \
--allow tcp:22,tcp:8089,tcp:8080,tcp:9997,tcp:8000,icmp \
--source-ranges --target-tags=splunk
Google Doc Reference to create firewall
The rule will appear in firewalls as -
Firewall Rules for Splunk VPC |
Creating Cluster Master, Indexers and Search Head for Splunk on site1 and site 2
We have our VPC available, the next steps would be to create the VMs that will function as Search Head, Cluster Master and Indexers across the two sites.
Create the Search Head in us-central region and zone us-central1-b
Create the Search Head in us-central region and zone us-central1-b
gcloud compute instances create sh-ctr \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-central1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
Create the Cluster Master for Indexers in us-central region and zone us-central1-b
gcloud compute instances create idx-mstr \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-central1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
Create the three indexers in us-east region and zone us-east1-b
gcloud compute instances create [INSTANCE_NAME] \
--image-family [IMAGE_FAMILY] \
--image-project [IMAGE_PROJECT] \
--create-disk image=[DISK_IMAGE],image-project=[DISK_IMAGE_PROJECT],size=[SIZE_GB],type=[DISK_TYPE]
gcloud compute instances create idx-east-1 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-east1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
gcloud compute instances create idx-east-2 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-east1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
gcloud compute instances create idx-east-3 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-east1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
Create the three indexers in us-central region and zone us-central1-b
gcloud compute instances create idx-ctr-1 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-central1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
gcloud compute instances create idx-ctr-2 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-central1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
gcloud compute instances create idx-ctr-3 \
--image-project splunk-261402 --zone=us-central1-b \
--image=splunk-image --subnet=splunk \
--boot-disk-size=30 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard
Google Doc Reference to create VMs
After having all the above VM commands run we should have our Search Head, Cluster Master and Indexers in site1 and site2 created as follows -
Make a note of the cluster master internal IP address as we will be using that to configure the cluster. Now should we try to connect them via ssh we will not be able to as these VMs aren't tied to a firewall rule that allows then access to connectivity.
To do that we will assign the 'splunk' tag to them and it will allow them to access to the firewall rule we have created.
After having all the above VM commands run we should have our Search Head, Cluster Master and Indexers in site1 and site2 created as follows -
Splunk VMs |
Make a note of the cluster master internal IP address as we will be using that to configure the cluster. Now should we try to connect them via ssh we will not be able to as these VMs aren't tied to a firewall rule that allows then access to connectivity.
No Network tags as yet. |
To do that we will assign the 'splunk' tag to them and it will allow them to access to the firewall rule we have created.
gcloud compute instances add-tags sh-ctr \ --zone us-central1-b \ --tags splunkgcloud compute instances add-tags idx-mstr \ --zone us-central1-b \ --tags splunk
gcloud compute instances add-tags idx-ctr-1 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --tags splunk
gcloud compute instances add-tags idx-ctr-2 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --tags splunkgcloud compute instances add-tags idx-ctr-3 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --tags splunkgcloud compute instances add-tags idx-east-1 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --tags splunkgcloud compute instances add-tags idx-east-2 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --tags splunkgcloud compute instances add-tags idx-east-3 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --tags splunk
Google Doc Reference to create Tags
After a successful execution of the commands, each of the machines will have a tag 'splunk' associated with it and we should be able to connect them via ssh-
Network tags assigned and access available now |
Putting it all together!
In the general section, add a line to indicate the site at which the splunk machine is running. In this PoC we are running the Cluster Master, Search Head and 3 Indexers, idx-ctr-1, idx-ctr-2 and idx-ctr-3 in site1 from us-central1-b and 3 Indexers idx-ctr-1, idx-ctr-2 and idx-ctr-3 in site2.
The details on how to setup is in detail on Splunk's website here.
The Cluster Master's server.conf contains the major details related to how the cluster is setup.
Cluster-Master server.conf |
Splunk Doc Reference for Cluster Master server.conf
Since we are running the Search Head in site1 the general section will indicate it as site1.Search Head server.conf |
Splunk Doc Reference for Search Head server.conf
Since we are running the Indexers on two sites, the us-central1-b will have the general section as site1.site1 Indexer server.conf |
And the Indexers on us-east1-b will have the general section as site2.
site2 Indexer server.conf |
Indexers View |
Now we have all the items configured, restart the instances and they auto connect. To check the status, use the external IP address of Cluster Master and using the management port 8000 access it. Using the user id as admin and password as passw0rd, check the monitoring console. The Indexers will list themselves in the Peers and we should be having six of them.
The indexes created in cluster will be in the indexes tab -
Indexes View |
Search Head and Cluster Master view |
The Search Head and Cluster Master will be visible in the Search Heads tab.
There you have it, we are all set and out Splunk infrastructure is now setup in Cloud and ready to ingest data!!
Additional Items
While creating this architecture, I had to start the splunkd instance multiple times as the machines would get rebooted. To make it easy, I created a had it in the home directory of root and turned it as executable. Use this script as a startup script and have it as part of the metadata for the VM instance. This will start the splunkd instance when the VM is started as well.The content of the script-
Startup script |
The command to have the startup script assigned to the VM.
Google Doc Reference to Startup Scriptgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-mstr \ --zone us-central1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata sh-ctr \ --zone us-central1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-ctr-1 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-ctr-2 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-ctr-3 \ --zone us-central1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-east-1 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-east-2 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/startSplunk.shgcloud compute instances add-metadata idx-east-3 \ --zone us-east1-b \ --metadata startup-script=/root/
This particular PoC showcases how we can run a Splunk multisite environment in Google Cloud. Some things to keep in mind should one prepare to move this to Google Cloud -
To actually run this solution in Google Cloud, I'd suggest reading this white paper from Splunk before starting out. This paper mentions the suggested machine types according to the scale of the deployment to run.
- In this scenario I have used the disk storage that are attached to the VMs as boot image. Ideally in PROD environment, the VMs would have persistent disks storing the Splunk indexed data. This would allow for redundancy as the disks can be detached from an instance and attached to another instances.
- I have used in this case, a VPC that functions as the substitute for the on-premise network. In a real world scenario, one would be looking at creating a VPN which will have the current on-prem scaling out to cloud. Over a period of time the on premise architecture will slowly diminish and most of the Splunk architecture will work out of cloud.
- For the brevity of the solution, I have not included the deployment server architecture which might be part of the architecture in some cases. In that case, assume a VM in either of the site that functions as a Deployment Server.
To actually run this solution in Google Cloud, I'd suggest reading this white paper from Splunk before starting out. This paper mentions the suggested machine types according to the scale of the deployment to run.
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